Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Stupid Julie Struck Again

Those of you who were reading my Type Pad blog surely remember Stupid Julie, the girl who plagued me for two weeks of a math and science inservice, constantly talking about being pregnant when she was only five to six weeks. Well, she hasn't wised up.

Our area was in the projected path of a hurricane during the past week. Stupid Julie is not due until February, but she thought she had to call her doctor to see if she needed to evacuate for fear of "delivering" (to quote her) during the storm.

  • Stupid Julie should know that delivering wasn't the most appropriate word. Miscarrying would be more like it if you have a baby when you're not even showing.
  • I thought even the village idiot knew that the only people at risk for delivering during a hurricane were people very close to their due date due to the drop in pressure.

Kudos for Stupid Julie's OB/GYN for telling her like it is. I'm sure he and his staff stopped and allowed themselves time for a quintuple eyeball roll after that call.


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