My school is going to host the area math, science, and technology inservice for two weeks this summer. This would be the same inservice that I told my principal I couldn't attend because I was having surgery that had to be done during the middle of that time.
Well, now that the inservice will be at our school, we've been told that we can't pack up our rooms and prepare them for summer cleaning until June 18th. And then we are supposed to come in and pick up everything off the floor and put the computers on the counters so the floors can be stripped. This is a HUGE job!!! And at that time I will be only half way through my IVF 2WW if all goes well. Of course I won't be doing any lifting then! I'm so upset. I plan this cycle for a time when I'm supposed to have minimal conflicts as a teacher, and now this happens.
Ugh, that really sucks. Is there any way you can get someone to move everything for you? What a pain. Work always manages to pull that kind of crap on us when an important date comes. Never fails.
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