Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Busy Day on the IVF Front

My u/s went better today. My left ovary cooperated for a change. I stopped counting follicles because I was stressing myself out. However, two of them were already 18mm, so they will probably be overmature at retrieval. I had quite a few others around 10mm to 14mm. Maybe I had more in that range today. A new tech did my u/s, and I think she was more persistant scanning for follicles. (Seriously, the one on Tuesday who did the scan just seemed to kind of give up when she got two follicles scanned on my left side. It wouldn't have been easy, but I wish she would have been more persistant. Maybe then I wouldn't have been freaking out the last two days. But then, how do you tell the u/s tech to DO HER JOB.)


My evening injection has been switched from Gonal-F to Pergonal. My RE thinks its a good idea for his IVF patients to get some LH. Well, we are instructed to inject the Pergonal subcutaneously, which is increasingly common. The Pergonal injection HURT! And I have a noticable welt on my leg today. I was leaning over the bathroom counter putting on my mascara this morning, and of course the edge of the counter lines up exactly where the welt is located. OUCH!!!


My goodies I purchased from Amazan to entertain myself while on bedrest have shipped!I bought the Survivor Australian Outback season on DVD, since that will keep me entertained for hours. Also, a book called The Same Sweet Girls, which supposedly isn't supposed to be too sappy. The movie "National Treasure" on DVD. Finally, a children's book Kitten's First Full Moon which I think won a Caldecott award. (Maybe the cutesy children's book will make my body send some vibes to the embies so they will stick around. )


A bit of a "funny" occurred while I was leaving the RE today. Since starting this cycle, all of my papers have been stamped with two inch block letters in red reading "IVF." Well, today someone was a little hasty with the IVF stamp, leaving nothing on my medical receipt but a big red

Well, since I am a teacher, I had to joke with the office staff about having an F on my paper. At first the person who intercepted me at the front desk was a bit embarrassed, and just mumbled something about how the letters "IV" were supposed to be in front of that F. Then, she realized that I was joking, and she said that she ought to e-mail my big red F to my students.

Seriously though, an F. I certainly feel like I deserve a big red F for having to go all the way to IVF in order to try to have a baby. However, I hope my IVF cycle doesn't end up as nothing but a big red F.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just sending you truckloads of good wishes on your retrieval and transfer. Lindsay

12:03 PM  

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