Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Possible Debate Topic

As I was cleaning today, I couldn't help but wonder...

Am I infertile because my house is dirty, or is my house dirty because I am infertile?

Okay, seriously I know that neither statement is truely the case. However, my house has been even dirtier than usual following the destruction caused by Hurricane Ivan in my area. Now, I have never been a member of the "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" faction, but even my Mother felt the need to let me know that I really should mop the kitchen floor last night. My response was that was on the top of my to do list tomorrow.

After my somewhat calm response, I actually wanted to shout, "AND BESIDES, THE DIRTY FLOOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MY INFERTILITY!!!"

But, is it? My Fertile Myrtile sister keeps a cleaner house than I do, although she doesn't live in an ancient home and she does always have a three day weekend to stay on top of things.

My home was never the neatest place. I'm a person who would rather cook a gourmet meal than wash the dishes. However, I think the depression related to infertility has had a negative effect on my domestic capacities.

So, the kitchen floor did get mopped today, and I ran one of those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers around the floor boards. However, the highlight of my household durties for today will be the blueberry poundcake out of Southern Living's "Cooking Light" cookbook which I am about to go make, as soon as the butter and light cream cheese gets softened.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen, Work doesn't leave much time to clean. My house is cleaner than my fertile SIL. I fantasize about hiring a cleaning service (my dh won't let me) and try to get by using Flylady.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May you never have a miscarriage, for then you will have to realize that the pain of losing a child is at least as bad as never being able to get there. And then may you never lose more than one, or two, or three, or four, ect. And may you never have to worry day after day that something inside you will kill the life growing inside of you, especially if it is unexplained miscarriages.

3:37 PM  
Blogger TigerJen said...

Note to Anonymous...

This particular post wasn't even about miscarriages. And, when you've been ttc for two and a half years with no luck, you can't help but wonder how many super early miscarriages that you might have had. So, no, my situation really isn't any different from yours.

It's so tiring hearing that others have little respect for those who have been ttc for what feels like FOREVER, and then they try to belittle that pain by stating that at least you haven't had a known miscarriage.

4:22 PM  

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