Sunday, November 14, 2004

What to Expect...

I have a real problem with the infertility book "What to Expect When You're Not Expecting" by Ty Cannady. You see, when I ordered this book from I had actually hoped for something, well different... Instead, I got the twelve step program for infertility all summed up in 127 pages.

Usually I love web sites like However, in the case of this book, the site is a bad idea. If only I had been able to peruse a copy of this book at my local bookstore. Oh, wait... My local bookstore has a pitiful selection of books on the subject of IF. You see, apparently infertility doesn't happen in my county. (The home of the beautiful people and all... Roll eyes here.)

If I had seen this book, I would have known it wasn't for me. The table of contents says it all, with chapter titles like Expectations, Denial, Anger...Faith, Patience, Trust....

I really, really doubt that the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" would dare insinuate to pregnant ladies to just use God to emotionally get over their "crisis," or to just accept pregnancy and move on. Oh no! Pregnant ladies are much too pampered in our society to be dealt with in any manner approaching frank. Never mind the fact that too many parents need to be told to accept their status as parents, grow up, and place their children first. This is just one example of how infertile people are bullied by our society.

And, why, oh why, does it not forewarn pregnant ladies in "What To Expect When You're Expecting" that it is quite possible that some bitter IF-er could very well throw that book at them in the bookstore with the accuracy of a World Series pitcher? (Of course there were several copies of the preggo addition on hand in the book store today. Thank goodness I didn't actually see any pregnant ladies in Books a Million this afternoon. Otherwise, I would probably be incarcerated at this very moment. So, maybe is in fact a good idea after all.)


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